Monday, May 28, 2007

Junky Trunk

Ok, Kadence and I have said so many times we need to make a video or write a book of all the funny things that happen to us in the name of"Junky Trunk Boutique." It does not matter what we are doing if it going to L.A. or working on the web-site there is always something that happens to us we can just count on it. I figured Tara was having so much fun blogging that this was the next best thing since we have so much time on our hands!! So with that here is the latest happening of "junky Trunk" We have looked and looked and looked for a jewelry case for our jewelry at the store, after many nights on the web and much looking around we finally found what we wanted. We finally placed our order. After 6 long weeks we got the call that our cabinet was in. We got up early to pick it up and get to the store before it opened. With Keith and Kim's help we finally had our cabinet in place it was beautiful we put the glass shelves in place Kadence was cleaning all the finger prints off we were so excited. We stood back to admire and decided we needed to move it to the other side of our desk. Yes That was much better I looked at it and thought it needs to move just a little more I walked over and gave it just a little pull..... An explosion of glass everywhere "OH MY GOSH" I could not believe it every piece of glass shattered. Kadence, will I won't go there but we are proud to say that neither one of us used a bad word. (really close ) Oh, yea we had some guys in the store installing camara's for us, and oh man they had there stuff out of there so fast they where not going to stay around. They were gone!! All in a day at the Junky Trunk.

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